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Programmer Co-op Student (Full Stack Developer) - Department of National Defence

Internship1 min read

January 2021 - April 2021.


As a Full Stack Developer for the Department of National Defence and Base Information Services, I:

  • Utilized a pre-existing stack consisting of Javalin, Python, VueJs and PostgreSQL to develop a device authorization network management program that allows users to view, edit, add, and delete authorized/unauthorized devices on a switch/network displayed through a simple UI
  • Created a web app utilizing Django and NetBox to generate detailed configuration reports for specific locations and devices on the network
  • Integrated REST APIs that trigger python scripts which query the database
  • Implemented Asana to coordinate and organize the goals and objectives of a project consisting of multiple contributors


The Department of National Defence (DND) is a branch of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and supports those who serve on the sea, on land, and in the air with the Navy, Army, Air Force, and Special Forces in order to defend Canadians’ interests at home and abroad. Specifically, Base Information Services (BIS) supports the day-to-day software/network operators for DND.

Working at CFB Halifax, where the DND office is located, we must follow strict guidelines and protocols to keep secure.