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4AM Basketball Camp Website

Under directions of the executive team, myself and a fellow peer created a website for the local 4AM Basketball Camp in honour of Andrew Milner. This website utilizes the MERN stack and handles logistics such as camp registration, donations, and scholarship applications.

You can find the repo here: Github Repo. The website can be found at: 4AM Basketball

Fit4Less Auto-Booking Bot

Pre-pandemic, there was never a problem with booking time-slots at my local Fit4Less gym. However, with new restrictions due to Covid-19, time-slots have become increasingly difficult to book as there limited spots.

Frustrated with this problem, I created a very simple bot that automates the booking process to ensure a time-slot for yourself. I created this bot to benefit myself, my peers, and also to anyone who would like to use it. Being open-source, anyone is free to use this code and make changes to their liking. My goal is for people to find it useful in some way. You can find the repo here: Github Repo